
Mher Ghulinyan, M.S. in 1995 and Doctoral degree in physics in 1999 from the Yerevan State University. As a postdoc (2002 to 2006) at the University of Trento (Italy), his early-career research in Silicon Photonics – Optical superlattices (OSL) – paved the way to the first-time demonstrations of fundamental phenomena: photonic Bloch oscillations [PRL-2003, cover story] and resonant Zener tunneling [PRL-2005-a], Anderson localization of light and observation of optical necklaces [PRL-2005-b], vapor control of photonic bands and all-optical switching using capillary condensation [Nat.Photon.-2007]. Currently, he is a Senior researcher at FBK-S&D and holds a leading role in the development of the center’s capacities to perform optical engineering and fabrication of different micro/nano-optical components and photonic integrated circuits. His interests are in the field of resonator optics, with a particular focus on the developments towards integrated Silicon-based Quantum Photonics and heterogeneously integrated active Silicon Photonics. Several years of holding the course of Photonics at the University of Trento as contract professor. He is a Senior member of the OSA, active reviewer for NPG, APS and OSA, author of one book, several book-chapters, editor of one book, more than 120 research papers and inventor of 2 patents. Coordinator of the EU-H2020 projects EPIQUS - Electronic-photonic integrated quantum simulator platform (No. 899368) and ATTRACT-INPEQUT (No. 777222).