Applied Microwaves

Scientific Staff


Applied Radio Astronomy Laboratory specialized in Development and Manufacturing of High-Sensitivity Microwave Radiometers and Polarimeters

The interferometer radio telescope was fabricated and installed in the scientific polygon “Saravand” at IRPHE. The continues regular observations of Galactic  background and point-like  cosmic radio sources (Cassiopeia A, Lebed A) culminating near the Zenith  are conducting on this radio-telescope. The anomaly and normal time series of radio sources Cassiopeia A, Lebed A were presented before the earthquakes in Stepanakert (Armenia, 24.03.2015, M≈3.7) and in Gandzak ( 25.03.2015, M≈3.5).

A series of high-sensitivity thermal radiation receivers have been developed in the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter wavebands. Due to application of new processing algorithms and advanced hardware technology, temperature resolution of these radiometers reached 0.02 K for 1 sec time constant.

The radiometers manufactured in IRPhE were efficiently used in the FSU and international space research programs Priroda, Phobos and Vega designed to investigate the Earth resources and analyze the atmosphere, both of the Earth and other planets.

Another practically important application of microwave radiometers developed in IRPhE was testing of antenna beam patterns for a large Satellite Tracking System existing on the FSU territory.

Microwave polarimeters have been developed in the laboratory which measure simultaneously all four Stokes parameters of the received radiation with high accuracy.

Recent publications:

Мартиросян Р.М., Гулян А.Г., Пирумян Г.А. “Радиоастрономическая системма для оценки симптомов сейсмической опасности” Физические основы приборостроения т.5, №1,  2016г., с.64-69.  

Avetisyan G.,  Change of flux density characteristic of the radio source Cassiopeia A for the period 2008-15 years, Proceedings of «Microwave and THz Technologies, Photonics and Wireless Communications, IRPhE’ 2016» pp.111-114.

Мартиросян Р.М., Гулян А.Г., Пирумян Г.А., Саркисян С.А., Аветисян Г.С.. Измерение параметров радиотелескопа РТ-13 ИПА РАН, «Известия» НАН Армении и НПУА, серия ТН, том 68, №2, 2015,  с. 189-197.

Гулян А.Г., Пирумян Г.А., Аветисян Г.С., Радиоастрономическая система для оценки симптомов сейсмической опасности, «Вестник НПУА, серия Информационные технологии, электроника, радиотехника»,  вып. 15, №2,  .

Мартиросян Р.М., Гулян А.Г., Пирумян Г.А., Адибекян М.В., Аветисян Г.С., Система вертикального зондирования ионосферы для оценки сейсмической опасности, “Tenth Anniversary Scientific Conference with International Participation. SPACE, ECOLOGY, SAFETY”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015,  с. 348-353.

Симонян Р.А., Гулян А.Г., Симонян А.Р., Устройство для измерения коэффициента отдачи по емкости ХИТ, “Физические основы приборостроения”, т.4, №15, 2015,  с.63-69.

Езакян Н.Д., Симонян Р.А., Гулян А.Г., Имитатор дыхательных параметров, “Вестн.НПУА, серия «Информационные технологии, электроника, радиотехника» вып. 15, №2, 2015.

Мартиросян Р.М., Гулян А. Г., Пирумян Г. А., Саркисян С. А., Аветисян Г. С.,  Исследование характеристик радиотелескопов РТ-13 ИПА РАН, c. 80-86. 2015.